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Simple GPU Path Tracing : Introduction

In this blog posts series, I'll show how to write a simple software renderer that uses path tracing for rendering beautiful photo realistic images. It's not going to be a production renderer able to render huge scenes with billions of polygons. It will support the basic materials that are needed to render simple scenes. It will hopefully guide the reader on how to implement a path tracer, and will explain some of the theory behind it. The path tracing code will run on the GPU. It will support either OpenGL or Cuda as backend graphics APIs (It will be designing it so that the same code will run on both platforms)   I'll go in as much details as possible for the important topics, but will probably gloss over some less interesting aspects of the development. Here are a few disclaimers before you start reading :  I'm not an expert in path tracers. Part of my work involves computer graphics so I know a few things about the field. I did this project to learn more about path t

Derniers articles

Simple GPU Path Tracing, Part 11 : Multiple Importance Sampling

Simple GPU Path Tracing, Part 10 : Little Optimizations

Simple GPU Path Tracing, Part 9 : Environment Lighting